Fitness Goal: Wedding Ready, Lose Fat, Tone Up
Age: 30s
Height (Ft): 5.2’
Starting Weight (St): 13.9 to 10.6
Waist (Inch): 33.5’ to 31.2’
Dress Size: 20 to 10
Body Fat Percentage: 40% to 26.3%
Weekly Personal Training Sessions: 2 x Weekly '1-2-1 Personal Training Package'
“I started training with Dale in January 2016. In that time I’ve discovered strength I never knew I had, cut my body fat by 14% and lost around 2 stone in weight. Whilst I allow myself little treats, I have completely changed my eating habits and as a result noticed a massive increase in energy levels and my skin (so not just weight or body related improvements!) has never been in better condition. As we go into 2017, I am looking forward to finding out what else I can achieve with Dale!”.