Fitness Goal: Loss Body Fat, Tone Up, Create Good Habits, Become Healthier and Boost Self Esteem and Well-Being.
Age: 20s
Starting Weight (KG): 139.9 to 127
Waist (Inch): 45’ to 36’
Body Fat Percentage: 42% (Overweight) to 25% (Healthy Range)
Weekly Personal Training Sessions: 2 x Weekly '1-2-1 Personal Training Package'
Adrian reached out to Dales Nutrifitness to join couples 1-1 sessions with his partner, Bianca. They both wanted to achieve a full-body transformation physically and emotionally. Within their personal training sessions, Dale focuses on full body workouts which include compound lifts and strength training, to improve their cardiovascular endurance. Both Adrian and Bianca have already achieved fantastic results, including their strength training which has progressed phenomenally. They attend personal training sessions twice a week and are both extremely happy with their results which has given them both internal motivations to persevere and maintain a healthy lifestyle.